Global presence
Unlocking market access around the world through a network of global locations
North America
South America
Europe, Middle East & Africa
CHS is based in the United States, with headquarters near St. Paul, Minn. Employees based there support the cooperative’s business operations in energy, agronomy, grain marketing, animal feed, food and food ingredients, along with business solutions including financial and risk management services. CHS also owns petroleum refineries, processing plants, grain terminals, crop protection and crop nutrients facilities and ag retail business units across the U.S. to provide its owners with a direct link, where they live and work, from planting to harvest to consumers.
Simply put, CHS sells the agronomy products farmers need to grow healthy profitable crops. We provide the energy products farmers need to run and maintain their machinery and heat their homes. Then we buy the grains and livestock products farmers produce and facilitate distribution across the world.
Together, CHS employees working in customer service, at ag retail locations and throughout the supply chain at value-added processing, manufacturing and refining facilities across the U.S. and Canada serve more than 600,000 farmer-owners, 1,100 ag retail business units and agriculture and energy business customers.

5500 Cenex Drive
Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55077

Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N9
In South America, CHS buys feed grains and oilseeds from local farmers and facilities, distributes fertilizer and markets ethanol. With headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil, and locations throughout Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, CHS is a trusted partner in the region.
Employees in South America have a strong knowledge of the local markets and crop conditions. They are continually coordinating trades with their colleagues in North America to meet demand and identify new market opportunities. Connections with local growers also provide a dependable supply of confectionary sunflowers, corn, soybeans and wheat to keep CHS customers supplied year-round.
In recent years, CHS investments in the region through local assets and joint ventures have helped generate efficiency and stability to support local growers and other customers. CHS has access to major ports in the region. And as always, CHS employees in South America are focused on doing business with integrity while building trusted, lasting partnerships that will sustain the cooperative into the future.
Products from South America contribute to the quality, year-round supply CHS customers expect. This region works closely with traders in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific to create logistic and market efficiencies that benefit CHS owners and customers.
CHS South America exports grains (mainly soybeans, corn, wheat and barley) to global customers. This, combined with grains from North America, the Black Sea region and Australia, creates a quality, year-round supply for customers. CHS South America also distributes fertilizer throughout the region, providing a dependable supply of crop nutrients.
- Exports grain through ownership in TCN, a Brazilian logistics company, with terminal access at the Port of Itaquí, São Luis, Brazil, and ownership in an export terminal project at Necochea, Argentina.
- Operates fertilizer import, storage and blending services at Paranaguá and Rondonóplis, Brazil.
- Stores and distributes products through six warehouses and six ports in Brazil and Argentina.
Food and Ingredients
CHS Agro, a joint venture, grows and processes sunflower kernel and in-shell products.
In 2013, CHS South America began marketing ethanol in Brazil, the world’s second largest ethanol producing country. CHS delivers ethanol through pipelines and through tank delivery within Brazil.

Rua Fidencio Ramos Nº 308, Torre A, Edif. Vila Olimpía Corporate, conj. 41 e 43, 4º andar
Vila Olimpía
São Paulo – SP

CHS do Brazil (Armazém Alvorada)
BR135, Km 745, Parte do Lote 24, Loteamento 3,
Gameleria, Zonal Rural
Alvorada - TO

CHS do Brazil (Armazém Anapurus)
Rodovia MA 230 KM 34
Bairro Aeroporto Fazenda Joao Paolo
Anapurus – MA

Av. Governador Luiz Rocha, Nº 2080 sala 13 e 14
PQ Cidade Maravilha
Balsas – MA

Av. Ademar Diogenes, 864, Segundo pavimento salas 7 e 8
Centro empresarial Ferrari
Bom Jesus – PI

Rodovia Transcerrados S/N sala 1-Zona Rura
Fazenda Marcelino Maria, Serra do Quilomgo
Bom Jesus – PI

Zeballos 2740
2do piso
1643 Beccar, San Isidro

Av. Italia 7519 of 503, Edificio Art Carrasco Torre Green
11500, Montevideo

Av. Mato Grosso, Nº 318 sala B
Canarana – MT

Ruá Voluntária da Patricia Nº 912 sala 21
Cruz Alta – RS

Av. 136, n 761 Edif. Nasa Business Style, Andar 19, Salas 192 a 198
Setor Azul
Goiania – GO

Av. Mato Grosso, N º 1531, QD12 LT 13
Gurupi – TO

Av. Said Abdalla QD 14-F LT 15
Vila Fatima
Jataí – GO

Nucleo Urbano de Kuluene, SN Sala 1
Perimetro Urbando de Kuluene
Canara – MT

Gleba do Ribeirão Aquidaba
Marialva – PR

Av. Ino Resende, S/N Quara 01-A, Lote 01-A, Lote 01-B2
Residencial Michelangelo
Mineiros – GO

Av. LO 05 SN ACSV SO 22 LT 30A Qd 205
Sul pavimento superior Bairro Plano director sul
Palmas – TO

Av. Amazonas, Nº 423, salas 7 e 8, QD.03 LT 10
Cidade Primavera do Leste 2
Prima vera do Lesta – MT

Rodovia BR 158, KM 398, SN
Margem direita, sala 01
Ribeirão Cascalheira – MT

Av. Pauzanes de Carvalho, S/N, QD183 LT17 Sala 2
Setor Pauzanes
Rio Verde – GO

Rodovia BR – 452 SN KM21.5 a esquerda
Área Rural de Rio Verde
Rio Verde – GO

BR 163 KM 94 Rua B LT 2A
Parque Industrial de Rodonópolis Zona Urbana
Rondonópolis – MT

Est da Fruteira S/N Lote 212 Sala 01
Gleba do Ribeirão de Aquidaban
Marialva – PR

Avenida dos Imigrantes, 2760 Sala 2 e 3
Sorriso – MT

Av. Presidente JK, S/N, QD. 001 LT 0015
Setor Sul ll
Uruaçu – GO
With a strong presence in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa regions CHS has strategically established global connections through a solid footprint and strong partnerships. With regional headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and offices in Bulgaria, Hungary, Jordan, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine, CHS sources and markets feed grains, oilseeds and crop nutrients in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Basin and Middle East.
The CHS supply chain connects ports, terminals and warehouses to ensure that agriculture products and crop nutrients move easily throughout the region and beyond. A professional team of CHS employees work to create a strong regional presence and are committed to creating strong partnerships. Interested in a career with CHS? Learn more about our careers in the field, on the road and at the office.
Products from Europe, the Middle East and Africa contribute to the high-quality, consistent supply CHS customers expect. This region works closely with CHS agriculture businesses in North America, South America and Asia Pacific to create supply chain efficiencies that benefit CHS owners and customers.
Grains, oilseeds and fertilizer from the Black Sea and the Middle East find their way into the global supply stream through strategically located facilities in the region. Grains from Europe’s richest production areas include wheat, corn, barley and sunflowers.
- Operates barge loading at Giurgiu, Romania; Oroshaza, Hungary and on the Danube River.
- Delivers access to the Black Sea through deep-water ports at Odessa, Ukraine, and Constanta, Romania, as well as other export terminals in Ukraine.
- Connects through offices strategically located near the main areas where grains, oilseeds and fertilizer are produced, stored, transported and marketed.

Avenue de Morgines 12, 1213 Petit Lancy
1213 Geneva

Calea Plevnei nr. 159, Business Gardens Bucharest, Building B, 5th floor
060013, Bucharest

Montevideo Utica 16A

Str. F. Joliot Curie nr 16 2nd
1113, Sofia

Calle Diputactio, 238 – Planta 1, Puerta 10
08007 Barcelona

13 Dabouq Mall, Juma’ah Al-shibli Street
Dabouq – Amman

Hejduk Veljkova 11/4
21000 Novi Sad

Akar Sokak iTower, Akar Cd. No: 3
34382 Istanbul / Turkey

33 Sahaidachnogo Str. 6th floor

Portuliu Street no. 1
080013, Giurgiu Free Zone

Galleria Eremitani, 4
35121 Padova
The region provides a strong market opportunity for CHS as the Asia-Pacific benefits from significant population growth driving greater global demand for grains, energy and foods. With the regional headquarters based in Singapore and offices in Australia, China, South Korea and Taiwan, CHS sources and markets grain and crop nutrient products in the region.
CHS serves Pacific Rim customers by connecting them to grains, dried distillers grains (DDGS), and fertilizer. With demand for quality and competitive prices, customers and consumers in the region can rely on the trusted CHS supply chain to bring in timely, reliable delivery of grains, energy and foods to help feed a growing population.
Through strategic investments and strong partnerships, CHS continues to build a reliable, trustworthy network that excels at customer service while earning the respect of consumers in the region. CHS employees in Asia-Pacific are in constant contact with grain traders in CHS offices in North America, Europe, Middle East and South America.
Asia-Pacific customers count on CHS for quality corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, canola and other grains and oilseeds. A reliable network serves the region’s needs year-round from North America, South America, the Black Sea and Australia. Facilities operated through our joint venture, CHS Broadbent, in Australia store grain and efficiently deliver wheat and feed grass across the Asia-Pacific region and to other global customers.
- Connects to facilities in Australia including container packing plants at Toowoomba, Queensland, and Ballarat, Victoria, along with bulk storage facilities at Moree, New South Wales, and Lakaput and Lake Bolac, Victoria.
- Markets DDGS exports from ethanol plants in the United States and through independent ethanol plant marketing agreements.
- Markets soybeans, wheat, corn and other feed grains in both bulk and containers to all countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
- Distributes feed commodities such as DDGS, feed barley and sorghum to feed manufacturers and animal feeders throughout China.
- Supplies crop nutrients to Asia-Pacific customers through close work with traders in Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States.
Food and Ingredients
CHS plays a vital role in bringing quality, nutritious grain-based food and food ingredients to a growing and hungry world with soybean, canola and sunflower processing plants in the United States and South America.

Company Pte. Ltd.
1 Finlayson Green
Singapore 049246

39 Teheran-ro 87 Gil
Gangnam-gi, Seoul 06166
South Korea

No. 88 Century Avenue
Pudong New Area
Shanghai 200120

Taipei City 104,
Taipei, Taiwan